- November 5, 2011 at 8:30 PM
- RedCat
- 631 West 2nd Street Los Angeles, CA 90012-2599
- (213) 237-2800
- Tickets: $20 / $16 Students
The digital era has matured into an art form transcending disciplines, genres and geography, as seen in videos from eight countries. Within its incredibly disparate genres and styles Sounding Images’ works hold in common seamless meshing of electro-acoustic music and electronically generated or enhanced imagery. From multi-national collaborations by artists at major international art centers to auteurs Mac-garreted in outlying cultural urbs and oases come eleven works of aesthetic and technical excellence, united only in their innovation and diversity. Beyond signifying the nascent adulthood of electronic inter-arts, Sounding Images’ works are an optimistic microcosm for international interconnectivity.
Funded in part by a grant from The Los Angeles County Arts Commission.