June 18, 2011
~ 1:20 PM to 6:00 PM
Performed By
Bonnie Barnett
Charles Lane
Rima Snyder
Kira Vollman
Richard West
Every effort will be made to adhere to the following schedule,
assuming trains and humans run on time.
2:15 – Perform at Sierra Madre Station
2:48 – Leave Sierra Madre Station making one stop along route to Union Station.
3:28 – Arrive Union Station and perform
4:01 – Leave Union Station. Make one stop on way back to Sierra Madre
4:43 – Arrive Sierra Madre Station, take taxis to 415 S. South Lake
5:15 – Arrive at South Lake and perform, wandering north to 345 S. Lake
6:15 – Event ends at 345 S. Lake
How Much?
The event is free. If you want to travel with the event, the day pass on the Gold Line is $6.00.
NOTE: “Hallelujah/Aloha” is intended as a subtle public intervention. If you choose to attend we ask that you do not act like an audience. Simply mingle in the area as if doing other things.
Made possible by grants from the City of Pasadena Cultural Affairs Division and The Pasadena Arts Commission, Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors through the Los Angeles County Arts Commission, The City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs and NewTown Members’ donations.