Open call backup


Open Call / Guidelines

Vladimir’s Underpants

A sonic and media experience on the go
Deadline: September 16, 2017

  • Event: Saturday, October 28, 2017
  • Location: Old Town Pasadena, 3 public stairwells
  • Honorarium: $300 per artist
  • Contact: Leonard Rusch, Project Coordinator •

Project Overview

NewTown is pleased to announce the Open Call for Vladimir’s Underpants , a sonic and media exhibition in public stairwells of Old Town, Pasadena. It will provide a unique experience for pedestrians, afford invaluable exposure for the artists and provide an opportunity to pair up with a sonic or media artist to create a theater of sound and light in these distinctive spaces.

Project Guidelines

  • The work must be new, generated specifically for Vladimir’s Underpants
  • Both media and sonic artists will respond to the site and each other’s work and work may be inspired by Russian Constructivist themes of geometry, modernization, and progress.
  • We welcome acoustic works, vocal compositions, sound experiments, as well as digital/electronic/synthesized compositions. Small amps are acceptable for instruments, but may not be necessary in the intimate spaces.
  • Hand-held, cordless pocket projectors will be used for display , allowing maximum versatility and maneuverability.
  • You may submit alone and we will match you up with your partner, or you may find your own pair. NewTown will aid in smooth collaboration between all paired artists.
  • Map: The 3 stairwell exhibitions will be within easy walking distance from each other as a ‘stairwell crawl’ and displayed on a map for viewers/listeners to check out all 3 exhibits.
  • Special consideration will be given to works with: site-specificity: capitalizing on the unique geometries and dramatic acoustics of the stairwells collaboration and experimentation: inventive and welcoming collaborative concepts interaction: inventive ways the project and stairwell interact with passersby and participants


Old Town Pasadena is diverse with a mixed use of shoppers, diners, retail and restaurant workers, tourists, homeless people, skaters and NewTown fans. Please consider that your audience may include children, who could be sensitive to content or imagery.

To Apply

Email all questions and materials listed below to Project Coordinator, Leonard Rusch,, by September 15, 2017.

1 – Resume and/or brief biography.

2 – One-page project proposal which includes a description of the sonic or video work to be presented and how it will interact with the stairwell space.

3 – A short (2 + minutes) sampling of what the final work will be.

4 – Up to 7 audio samples, images or video links of your past work. Websites may be cited only as
supplemental work samples, not sole documentation